The Detective Is Already Dead (Season 1 – Anime Series) – Movie Review

Friendly Review: The Detective Is Already Dead

So you’ve finished another summer anime, huh? Sounds like it’s about a detective and her sidekick fighting aliens. That’s a pretty cool concept!

I understand your thoughts on the plot armor in this anime. It can be frustrating when rules and plot conveniences just pop up out of nowhere. Even though you understood what was happening, the plot points felt random and not well-developed. And it’s a shame that the evil organization didn’t come across as menacing. It’s hard to care about something when it lacks that sense of mystery and threat.

But hey, at least the animation was amazing, right? Although you’ve seen better, it’s always a treat when the visuals are on point. And it sounds like a lot of effort went into making the female characters look and sound like waifu materials. Gotta appreciate that attention to detail!

It’s interesting that out of all the characters, Siesta and the sidekick were the ones that stood out to you. Their relationship kept you invested in the show, which is important. As for the side characters, it’s a shame they ended up being forgettable, just like the plot. And it’s pretty funny that one of the side characters randomly appeared early on and their name wasn’t even mentioned until the last episode. Talk about a late introduction!


3/5 - (2 votes)
Nov 10, 2023 - Posted by Moviesgod - No Comments

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